Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Old Pool

So my grandparents live in Arizona and they have this pool. Every time we come to visit them we swim in the pool and party and such. Well we've been swimming in that pool for as long as I can remember! I remember not even being able to reach the bottom of the shallow end, like I was rockin the floaties and everything! Well guess what. Now I can kneel down in the shallow end and my whole head is still above water! My goodness. I love that pool. We have so many memories there. I remember we used to have massive chicken fights and we would see how many people we could stack on one tower. One time we had like Caleb, Ashley, Donny, and then me! It was ridiculous. Almost like climbing Herndon or something. And we used to jump off of the diving board doing a whole ton of crazy things. Well, it felt crazy at the time anyway. Like we used to jump through tubes or onto floaties or we'd have someone throw a tube up in the air and then we'd dive through it. Good times. Now that we're all old and such, we just swim laps. It's a really small pool though so we do like a million little laps. Or we race each other or see who can hold their breath the longest. We used to go in the pool early in the morning and play all day. Now we play for like 15 minutes and then sit and talk haha. It's a sure sign that we're old.

This is Donny smiling. It's a rare find in photos so I had to add it:

1 comment:

  1. Aww, I was touched by your story, Megan. :) It’s amazing to see that the pool is in pristine condition, too! That’s quite a rare feat, which could mean that your grandparents really took care of the pool. I hope that they continue doing this, so that you can have more memories with it.
