Friday, June 1, 2012

The New Place

I've lived in the same house since I was 2 years old!! But for the past year, I've been going to the Naval Academy all the way the heck over in Maryland. So a few weeks ago I was getting all excited to come home for the summer. I called my mom to verify my flight schedule and everything. Well that's when she dropped the bomb. She moved!! All the way the heck to Payson! Just google mapped it. 34 minutes away! 34!!

But wait, that's not even the best part! She got a job! When she told me that, I was super stinking excited. Until she said that the job is all the way the heck in Vernal!!! VERNAL?!?!? Is that even a city?? Yeah google mapped. 3 HOURS AND 11 MINUTES!!! Are you kidding me???

Don't get me wrong. I'm happy for my mom. She's doing great things in life, and I don't even live here any more. I know it's my mom's choice and all. But I'm gonna miss PG! I'm gonna miss getting Macey's ice cream with Summer, and visiting Luke's family, and seeing the temple every time I go for a drive, and Strawberry Days!!! Now if I want to do that stuff while I'm home, I've got to drive 3 hours and 11 minutes. Awesome.

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