Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Okay, something that's been getting on my nerves lately... texting. Not even texting, but the reactions people have to texting. I'm not always the type of person who responds immediately after receiving a text. In fact, I'm never that type of person. I'll probably respond within the next hour or so, and for those of you that text me, you know this. And sometimes, people get mad at me for it! Okay maybe not mad, but they just get frustrated with me because I don't answer right away. If you want an immediate answer, CALL ME!!! That's what the phone is for! With texting, it's actually really convenient. No matter how long I wait, the text will still be there. I can read it immediately, or maybe in 10 minutes when I've finished pooping, or maybe in a couple of hours when I'm done getting my haircut. I don't HAVE to read it right away, because the message will still be there! And then, when I'm good and ready, I can answer.

I understand that sometimes, timing can be horrible. If you profess your love to someone for the first time, or ask a personal question, or give a compliment; and then that person decides to wait hours to respond. Yeah, that kind of sucks because then you're sitting there thinking, 'Great, now they think I'm a freak.' This has happened to me plenty of times so I'm sorry if I've done it to you! But STILL! First of all (after rereading this I realize I go on a rant after saying 'first of all' sooo there is no second of all, just letting you know so you're not expecting one), don't profess your love or ask super urgent questions over text if you're not willing to wait for the answer. If you need an answer right away, dial my stinking phone number and call me! By texting, you've given me the opportunity to sit and think of the perfect answer. To be honest, I think in general people are more likely to get turned down if they ask someone on a date over text because then that person has all the time in the world to think of a polite way to turn you down. Whereas, if you ask them in person or on the phone, it's like PRESSURE'S ON and they'll probably give you a chance.

Anyway, back to why I take so long to answer text messages (this was supposed to be the second of all). I get busy! Or distracted! Or sometimes I just don't want to text because I'm sick of dealing with my phone's stupid keyboard! So I just don't answer right away. It's nothing personal. If I really have something against you, I'll let you know. Well when people find out that I don't text back because I was busy or just didn't feel like texting, they'll say, "Then why didn't you just tell me that you're going for a run so I know your busy?" I don't tell you that because saying that would end the conversation! I'd say "Can't talk now. Busy." and then you'd say "Alright, bye." No! That's not what I want! I don't want to tell you I'm busy because I'm enjoying our conversation so much that I don't want it to end! I want to continue our intriguing conversation when I'm done playing Phase 10 with my family or whatever I'm doing.

So in reality, if I take hours to respond to your text messages, you should take that as a compliment! It means I want to continue our conversation after eating my bagel. Or maybe in the morning after my nightly dose of REM. In fact, if you get a message from me saying "Good night!" or "I've got to go" THAT'S when you should worry, because that means I'm no longer enjoying our conversation enough to keep it going as an endless text discussion. But actually, I just realized that sometimes I'll say good night to people I really enjoy talking to because I think saying good night is sweet and I want to wish them a happy sleep time. Or sometimes I'll say good night because I'm confident enough in our friendship that I know I can expect a new conversation to start the next day. So I guess you'll never know with that one.

The point is, don't take it personally when I take a while to respond to a text message. I might be walking my dog, except I don't have one, but you get the idea.

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