Wednesday, June 27, 2012

For Creativity

10.  For a Little Motivation:

9. For the Moments I Feel Faint:

8. For Having Some fun.:

7. For the Tears:

6. For the Memories:

5. For Being Too Late:

4. For Luke Fitzgerald:

3.  For Summer Seibold:


2. For Falling in Love:

1. For Sacrifice:

Saturday, June 23, 2012

It's A Gift.. And A Curse

So I've been watching Monk lately.


And I just finished the last season!

Season 8!

I must say... I love Monk.

Tony Shalhoub is fantastic.

Simply fantastic.

Traylor Howard is great too.


But I do miss Sharona. She was a lot more fun.


Anyway I'm so glad I finally finished Monk!

I absolutely loooooved the ending.

Especially what happened with Randy :)

It was just simply fantastic.

I definitely recommend this series.

I. love. Monk.

Shout out to Luke Fitzgerald for loving it with me.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Old Pool

So my grandparents live in Arizona and they have this pool. Every time we come to visit them we swim in the pool and party and such. Well we've been swimming in that pool for as long as I can remember! I remember not even being able to reach the bottom of the shallow end, like I was rockin the floaties and everything! Well guess what. Now I can kneel down in the shallow end and my whole head is still above water! My goodness. I love that pool. We have so many memories there. I remember we used to have massive chicken fights and we would see how many people we could stack on one tower. One time we had like Caleb, Ashley, Donny, and then me! It was ridiculous. Almost like climbing Herndon or something. And we used to jump off of the diving board doing a whole ton of crazy things. Well, it felt crazy at the time anyway. Like we used to jump through tubes or onto floaties or we'd have someone throw a tube up in the air and then we'd dive through it. Good times. Now that we're all old and such, we just swim laps. It's a really small pool though so we do like a million little laps. Or we race each other or see who can hold their breath the longest. We used to go in the pool early in the morning and play all day. Now we play for like 15 minutes and then sit and talk haha. It's a sure sign that we're old.

This is Donny smiling. It's a rare find in photos so I had to add it:

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Topless Head Banger

So my dear friend Zach and I went to a concert tonight at Muse Music in Provo. We hadn't really heard much of the bands who were playing so we didn't really know if they'd be any good. Well turns out I have a friend in one of the bands! Who knew right? All the more reason to go. Well anyway Zach and I showed up and the first band was absolute crap. All of the bands tonight were the loud head banging mosh pit kind of bands, but the first band was just.. loud. Not even worthy of a head bang or anything. Luckily, the bands got better as the night went on and my friend's band went last. Sea Swallowed Us Whole. Fantastic! Definitely recommend seeing them play if you get the chance.

Anyway, throughout the entire night there was this topless guy dancing like crazy to the music. When we first showed up he was doing a solo mosh pit. It was quite hilarious. Like there wasn't a huge crowd at Muse tonight, at least at the beginning of the show, and there was obviously not enough people to start a mosh pit. So there was just this one topless guy... all by himself. And don't get excited about the topless part. People were staring, but only because of his dancing. Anyway, the guy finally had a few people join him as the night went on so it wasn't such a pathetic mosh pit anymore. Except there was this kid who looked like he was 13 who didn't even dance he just got really close to people and then threw his arms around and shoved them. I think he just really wanted to hit someone but whatevs the group got a decent amount in there. Towards the end of the night, I was actually jealous of the group! I wanted to head bang so bad just so my hair could flip everywhere but I would only do it if Zach did too. And ya know.. he didn't. But we enjoyed some head banging and screaming on our way out after the concert.

Tonight was just a blast! Here's a summary of the rest of what happened: I felt like an idiot in the Smith's parking lot, Zach and I walked around aimlessly and found cool signs.

Zach and I had some Sammy's except we threw out our fries :/ and we laughed a whole lot and Zach spit up because he drank too much water. Oh and we felt like we were underwater after our ears went numb and we screamed at teenage girls who were head banging across the parking lot, well I screamed and Zach hid, and then we enjoyed the ringing in our ears for quite a while after the concert. It was a good time.

One more shout out to the last band of the night.

Sea Swallowed Us Whole

They were great.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Orange Cones and Carpool Lanes

Okay I think I'm going crazy. Literally every single time I get on the stinking freeway, it's different! Like one day three of the right lanes are closed and the next day just the left lane is closed! It's so confusing! I don't think I've ever seen this many orange cones in my entire life. I even saw them setting up more to close off yet another left lane! It's absolutely ridiculous.

And on top of all the crazy stupid construction nonsense, I saw like four almost accidents today! The speed limit is 55 in a construction zone and people are going 90! I mean I'm all for going fast, but when there's a million semi trucks and tiny little lanes because of construction? No, wait for the 75 speed limit by Payson to go 90. And of course people don't actually look before they change lanes so they don't see the guy behind them going a million miles an hour so they change lanes and the guy behind them slams on his breaks and the one lame head gets like two inches from rear ending the other lame head in front of them. Gah! I saw lots of that today. They say this construction is supposed to end in December of 2012, just in time for the world to end. Well anyway, if I end up coming back to Utah for Christmas, it better not be all covered in orange cones like it is now!

And since when is there a carpool lane near Pleasant Grove??? I remember it used to be so nice when I would come back from Salt Lake and I could finally get into the left lane legally! But now it's like PG is all civilized and needs a stinking carpool lane.

Friday, June 1, 2012

The New Place

I've lived in the same house since I was 2 years old!! But for the past year, I've been going to the Naval Academy all the way the heck over in Maryland. So a few weeks ago I was getting all excited to come home for the summer. I called my mom to verify my flight schedule and everything. Well that's when she dropped the bomb. She moved!! All the way the heck to Payson! Just google mapped it. 34 minutes away! 34!!

But wait, that's not even the best part! She got a job! When she told me that, I was super stinking excited. Until she said that the job is all the way the heck in Vernal!!! VERNAL?!?!? Is that even a city?? Yeah google mapped. 3 HOURS AND 11 MINUTES!!! Are you kidding me???

Don't get me wrong. I'm happy for my mom. She's doing great things in life, and I don't even live here any more. I know it's my mom's choice and all. But I'm gonna miss PG! I'm gonna miss getting Macey's ice cream with Summer, and visiting Luke's family, and seeing the temple every time I go for a drive, and Strawberry Days!!! Now if I want to do that stuff while I'm home, I've got to drive 3 hours and 11 minutes. Awesome.